
Circular emitida pela diretoria da Igreja Batista do Pinheiro (Texto em Inglês)

Pinheiro Baptist Church (IBP)

Maceió, February 11, 2019.

It clarifies the institutional position adopted, in view of the very serious structural problems faced by the brothers and sisters of Pinheiro neighborhood, Maceió-AL..

Open thy mouth for the dumb, In the cause of all such as are left desolate. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, And minister justice to the poor and needy.

Provérbios 31:8, 9

Pinheiro Baptist Church (IBP), based on the institutional goal stated in the article 2, subparagraph V of your Social Status, the same internal regulatory framework, these principles that guide the spiritual belief in God, in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit (divine Ruah), believing that the relationship between human beings should be the major concern of a community of faith, transmits the following considerations:

1- Regrets deeply, the numerous cases that have shaken the physical structures of residences, shops, institutions and public places of our beloved Pinheiro neighborhood, endangering lives, dreams and projects of various human conceptions, often undermining the hope of better days. However, this community of Faith, emphasizes Jesus ' words in John 16.33: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world "

2- Similarly, vehemently rejects any unfounded news, deceitful and inhumane conditions, with respect to the existence of victims and collapses of houses and buildings in our neighborhood, since such untruths cause a even greater distress in residents, relatives and friends who have any connection with the people who live here;

3- Therefore, before your own driving in Christian walk, over its almost 50 years of existence, this community of faith have never failed to accomplish its Christian obligation to host and provide "home" for those who feel excluded by an unfair and perverse society, wouldn't  deny either to receive and watch those which may require a physical/spiritual space, where they can feel safe from this issue, which up until then had unknown causes, but it could bring consequences never exceeded, faced with the imminent possibility of a tragedy without precedent in our history.

4- Faced with all this, the Baptist Church of Pinheiro - IBP states that it will keep its doors open, as will its Ministries, to all those who desire a place where they are allowed to experience the divine attempt to live the greatest commandment among the people, which was determined by him who gave himself unconditionally to each one of us, as he said in John 15:17: “This I command you, that we love one another.";

5- Lastly, the Baptist Church of Pinheiro reaffirms its prophetic vigilance, which will be exercised alongside the residents of the neighborhood of Pinheiro, collecting, tirelessly, solutions and punishments to the possible future culprits pointed out by the studies in progress, while also charging the Municipal and State authorities to continue to carry out all legal, psychological, financial, legal and social assistance to the victims of this unfortunate situation.

The Board of Directors